Here we see Serena Williams as a strong, confident, mildly aggressive woman in an advertisement for Nike. She displays common masculine characteristics like seeking worthy opponents to be ranked no. 1. This description of Serena in this ad demonstrates a side of a woman that defies all characterized feminine attributes; she is not soft, sweet, nice and kind. She is strong, confident, self-assured, secure and will beat anyone to defend her title.

Here we see Serena Williams aggressively going for a shot. She displays characteristics of female agressision, sportsmanship, agility, and overall ability. This picture demonstrates to us as viewers and onlookers that the female sport has evolved and has become not just an act for men to participate in, but for women to embrace and strive to be. There is nothing wrong with females having an aggressive edge in a game, or be a positive role model for others who aspire to be like her.

Here is a series of pictures of Anna Kournikova in her candid moments in the game. These shots are not the photos you seel in K-Swiss advertisements, they arent the photos you see of her done up for a photoshot, they are photos of her in a game. This is real, shes a real person rather than a manufactured product of an endorsement company. She has a talent that she strives to perfect, and despite of her looks, she continues to shock an awe all those who watch her on the court. She may fall into some stereotypical titles like "blonde" or "jock," but for the most part she is a women playing a sport that she loves even if it means she has to break a sweat.
serena williams is the best at tennis becasue shehighr testosterone than all her competitors im not pulling this out of my ass it's actually based on science, black women tnd to have higer levels of testosterone thenwomen of othe races, hence why they appear more masculine and have greter muscle definion so clearly she has an advantage at her sport