Here we have yet again, another ad promoting a volleyball tournament by showcasing a woman's butt in a bikini. By analyzing this ad in conjunction with the other ad's used for this campaign, one can see that the company chooses to sell sex rather than sport.
The bikini the woman is wearing is not even a sports bikini, but has a chain-link bottom that holds it together. One could argue that this is a fashion-statement and promotes the great bodies that volleyball players yeild. However, by only showing this woman's butt, it makes their message loud and clear. The woman's face is no longer important, her talent for the sport or even her ability. Yet, what is important, is her butt. Her butt is what sells tickets. Her butt is what men want to see when they watch volleyball. They don't care about the game or who wins or how well the women play, but how good their butt looks in a bikini.
Unfortunately, this is not representative of women volleyball players, and reduces them down to objects. Sadly, women are not praised for their athleticism and are continously being portrayed as sex objects for men. If the media and producers of media in sports related advertisements continue to see women as objects rather than competitors and for the talent they possess, it negates women's equality and continues to perpetuate the oversexualized negative attention that they are misrepresented for.
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